First Quarter Moon in Aries, Jan 6th 2025

Money is energy, protect and shield it because your work is worthy of protection

So all, I ran into some challenges with keeping my work straight and managing my own energy through the holidays, so that's why you'll see no December 2024 post, and why I'm writing this blog a month late! But fear not, if you watch this layout, you'll see the messaging relevant to what you may have also been experiencing: that interferance of all kinds can disrupt your flow, but you don't need to get into flagelation mode over stuff like this. Just make renewed efforts towards discipline and determination, and recognize the worth of what you're doing, making, creating. Know that you're loved for your work, in spite of sometimes falling short of your own expectations. Watch here, for this is the work I managed to get done even if I didn't complete my own goal in its entirety. I did film the layout, and that's what I'm personally choosing the focus on. Much love and Happy New Year!